Ingredients for dough1kg of cooked yellow potatoes20 dkg of wholemeal flour20 dkg of plain flour1/2 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for stuffingone boiled potatobryndza Agrofarma Červený Kameň full fat 250g2 tablespoons of white yogurt
PreparationCook the potatoes, preferably the day before, to cool well. Grate the potatoes finely, add flour and salt.Prepare the dough, divide it into two halves, sprinkle with a little flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the plate.In the meantime, prepare a stuffing of bryndza cheese, boiled potato with the addition of yogurt.Slice the rolled dough into larger squares, fill with filling, fold and fork from each side.Boil in slightly salted water. When the pies come to the surface, they are cooked. Remove them on a sieve and let them drip and pour in melted butter.Served with bacon and chives.