Tradition since 1927

The sheep farming and sheep breeding have been connected to Červený Kameň since the beginning of the village itself. Every household bred sheep, some farms owned 10 pieces. Approximately 6-8 kg of cheese was produced from the milk of one sheep in the period of 6 months. In 1927 first dairy stock company was founded, which associated 40 farmers. The dairy equipment was worked on maual power, the cream separator was steam powered from a wood-heated boiler. The dairy processed 300 liters of milk per day into butter, lumps, bryndza cheese, oštiepok and žinčica. The dairy was closed in 1930. There were 108 sheds with sheep, goat and cattle breeding were operating in Červený Kámeň until 1954. Milk was the main source of livelihood, goods for sale and barter trade.

The oldest bryndziareň* in Slovakia

The first evidence of bryndziareň is dated on January 1683 in the vilage of Pruské as was found in a historical document from the castle estate Vršatec. Also thanks to this document, the Slovak bryndza¨ was registered as a Protected Geographical Indication of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs at the request of the Slovak Republic (Commission Regulation (EC) No 676/2008 of 17 July 2008).


* A place where Slovak bryndza cheese is made. 



The society-wide process of associations was completed in Červený Kameň by joining JRD Pruské. The Červený Kameň  was selected for sheep breeding.

Dvor Červený Kameň vyčlenený na chov oviec.
Výstavba ovčína vo Dvore Červený Kame


The construction of sheepfolds began in Červený Kameň. Subsequently, the construction of a dairy for processing sheep's, cow's and goat's milk began.


Agrofarma, spol. s r.o. was founded. The company started with 8 employees and 600 sheep. It was engaged in animal production, purchase of lambs and their export abroad.

V roku bola založená Agrofarma, spol. s r.o.
Agrofarma v roku 1994 prevzala a pridružila prevádzku mliekarne.


Agrofarma took over and affiliated with dairy and expanded its activities by adding a dairy production in 1994. The company changed technology and bought the first tank. 


In these years, the gasification of the village and society were done. The machinery and the dairy were reconstructed.

Plynofikácia spoločnosti Agrofarma
Agrofarma je popredným exportérom živých jahniat na Slovensku.


The company is a leading exporter of live lambs in Slovakia. It was included in the list of establishments approved for the export of milk and dairy products (SK 027).


Agrofarma, spol. s r.o. won 1st place with Farmhouse smoked parenica in the international Käsiade in Insbruck. It tightened the quality and expanded the production portfolio.

Agrofarma, spol. s.r.o. získala 1. miesto v mezinárodnej Käsiade v Insbrucku s Gazdovskou údenou parenicou.
bitúnok na porážku jahniat


The company launched its own slaughterhouse for the slaughter of live lambs and is progressing in the export of lamb and sheep meat. The number of employees increased to 143.


Agrofarma, spol. s r.o. has a stable position on the market. It produces 81 kinds of quality cheese products, employing 167 workers.

Agrofarma výroba


The vision of the company is to to maintain quality, increase interest in Slovak products and their preference in order to promote the health of the population.


Formation of František Mišún Foundation

The founders of the foundation were the sons of František Mišún Ing. Daniel Mišún, PhD and Ing. Pavol Mišún.

The vision of the foundation is not only to continue its ongoing activities, but also to bring new ideas to the region, transformed into real deeds. Thanks to the 2% that the František Mišún Foundation will receive, and of course with the financial contribution of AGROFARMA, we want improve Červený Kameň and also its wide surroundings. Our aim is to organize events that will be not only interesting for the public, but mainly motivating. František Mišún was a person who never refused to help those who asked him for help, and who would use this chance in need. This is one of our way ...

František Mišún Foundation
Horovce 150
02062 Horovce

Bank account: SK10 7500 0000 0040 2556 0782

Agrofarma today

Since 1992, Agrofarma has been building on the long tradition of agriculture and dairy in the region. The company is located in the district of Ilava, in the picturesque environment of the protected area of the White Carpathians, near the border with the Czech Republic. The village is named Červený Kameň (meaning "red stone") after the limestone monolith Red Rock rises above the village. 

Milk processing

The most important activity is processing of cow's and sheep's milk and production of traditional cheese, bryndza cheese and traditional Slovak cheese specialties.

Animal production

The main feature of animal production is sheep breeding. Special attention is paid to rams. The company is also a major exporter of lamb and sheep meat.

Plant production

Agrofarma, spol. s r.o. manages 879 ha of land. It is used for grazing flocks of sheep and cattle and bulky feeds production. 


people found work with us


delicious cheese specialties are produced by us


sheep are bred in our herds


ha of agricultural land

The secret of great sheep dairy products

Sheep wellbeing - the highest quality milk guarantee

Agrofarma is one of the biggest sheep breeders and producers in Slovakia. Nowadays, the number of sheep is around 2500. Sheep graze on rural, mountain and foothill meadows, which is the traditional and most natural way of breeding. The movement is beneficial for sheep and milk has vitamin D in due to the effect of sunlight on the animal. The sheep are kept in the stables at night, equipped with modern technologies, conveyor belts.

Our sheep's milk is a nutritional extra class

Sheep's milk has higher fat, protein, minerals and all vitamins content in comparison to cow's milk. The quality of the milk is greatly influenced by the fact that the sheep are grazed on pastures or fed with canned feed. In spring, grass is the most juicy for sheep, which makes exceptionally delicious taste and scent of milk. In summer, the wonderful taste of milk reflects flowering summer meadows and pastures grazed by sheep. Milk contains probiotics, essential fatty acids that strengthen the body, have active anti-cancer effects and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in an active way of life.

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